Apology for being inactive on this platform

 Oh man. Wow. I totally forgot about this webpage until earlier today. I was looking through some Lemon Demon memes on my Pinterest account and that’s when I suddenly remembered this little webpage of mine. I decided to pay a visit to my blogger account to see what was happening on this page. No one has really interacted and I’ve gotten a few views here in there but it isn’t that big of a deal. I always wanted to post more on this page but I procrastinate a lot and eventually I just kinda forgot about it. For anybody who is somehow a loyal fan of this unofficial fan page, I deeply apologize to you, even though you’re a niche crowd that probably doesn’t even exist in the first place. I decided I might as well post something here on this account even though probably nobody is here to listen. I don’t know whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Either way, I don’t really care too much.

I still listen to lemon demon and I still absolutely adore Neil’s music. I was actually able to buy a vinyl record of the album view monster around a month after Christmas with some Amazon gift cards I received from some friends and relatives for Christmas. When you put the record into the record player, each side has different little pictures that go around in circles. The album is also a double LP and it also includes bonus tracks like toy food and hip-hop cherry pop, which I was super happy about. When the record begins to spin, a little animation is shown on the record, almost like a flipbook. It’s really cool and unique. I’m not sure if the listing is still available to buy on Amazon, tho. I got it for around 30 bucks and if I’m not mistaken, I’m pretty sure I also bought The Who’s Tommy with it, because not only am I a big Lemon Demon fan, but I’m also a classic rock fanatic who has a little bit of an unhealthy addiction with rock operas and prog rock. 

Either though I still listen to Lemon Demon, I’ve discovered some other music artists that I love just as much as Lemon Demon. I started listening to the band Tally Hall and to be honest, that was an amazing decision. They definitely have the same energy as Lemon Demon combined with your average rock band. They are totally awesome, even though they’ve only released two complete albums, Marvin‘s marvelous mechanical Museum and good and evil. Sadly, the chances are quite low that Tally Hall will come together again to release another album. The band was formed in a college in Michigan and I think all of the band members have moved on with their lives. A lot of the members have other music careers and the bass player Zubin graduated from college and they are now a doctor! I’ve accepted that Tally Hall will probably not have a reunion. Just as long as all of the members are happy with their lives is all I care about. Also miracle musical, which was created by bandmember Joe Hawley, is super awesome. It tells such an amazing story and I definitely recommend it if you have not listened to the album yourself yet.

I’ve also began to listen to the band Ween. Yes, I know the band has a weird name but their music is super good. It was formed by two guys who are referred to as Gene Ween and Dean Ween. They can also be called Gener and Deaner. Their music is super wacky and it’s almost like the experimental band The Residents, which honestly needs more recognition. (Along with making very weird songs, the residents wore extravagant eyeball masks and they wore top hats. This way, nobody could ever figure out who the residents were.) Their earlier music was very out there and experimental. I’m talking about God Ween Satan, The Pod, and Pure Guava. Their other stuff is not as experimental but I still love it equally. Some of my favorite albums from them include the entirety of their earlier career, which I have just discussed, chocolate and cheese, Quebec, and the mollusk. 

I’m also now really interested in horror movies, especially the slasher sub genre. I would have to say that my favorite slasher is Leatherface from the Texas chainsaw massacre series but I also really love Michael Myers from the Halloween series, Billy Lenz from Black Christmas, and Jason from Friday the 13th. I also love John Carpenter movies like Halloween, of course. The thing, big trouble in Little China (which is referenced btw in the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny), they live, the fog, and escape from New York. Also, appreciation for Ash from the evil dead series!!!

Anyways back to this website and Lemon Demon, I think I have a good reason that I have not posted anything recently here. This was actually a school project. Believe it or not, this was made for school. On my top 10 favorite Lemon Demon songs list, I chickened out and did not want to put any songs from nature tapes besides Brodyquest because of a lot of explicit content. I mean, have you even listened to two trucks and my trains? Even jaws? If you were curious, this was a county wide contest that anybody in school could enter, as long as the project fit any of the categories, which revolved around technology. They had a website making category and I didn’t know what else I should enter so I decided to wing it and try to come up with a website. Only two hours later and The unofficial Lemon Demon fan page was born. I decided to enter this into the website category and sure enough, this website won first place. It kind of makes me laugh thinking that older people were kind of forced to listen to Lemon Demon because of my stupid little website. After I won my ward of a fake gold medal, this website faded into obscurity in my mind and I totally forgot about it. That was until earlier today, just like I said.

So yeah. To anybody who is listening and cares to even listen at all, I hope you’re doing well and I wish you the very best in life. I’m gonna try to post on here more but don’t be surprised if this website fades into obscurity again in my mind and months later or maybe even years later, you get another apology post, talking about my life in that moment. All right, I think that’s all I want to say for now. Goodbye and have a wonderful day or night.
