My top 10 favorite Lemon Demon songs!

 The title says it all.

10: I’ve Got Some Falling To Do

This song is on one of the earlier Lemon Demon albums. It’s on the album Hip To The Javabean. The whole idea behind it is about a flight attendant guy who falls out of a plane. While he is falling, the narrator gets a call from death pretty much telling him that he will die. The narrator responds back by saying that he has some falling to do. He gets saved by a giant squid but the narrator tells the giant squid that he would rather fall. It’s a pretty catchy song in general and I sometimes get it stuck inside of my head. Link to song:

9: Brodyquest

This song is on the album Nature Tapes. It is the final track. For the most part, it’s just an instrumental. But the thing that makes this song get the number nine spot on this list is because of the music video that Neil created for it. It’s really funny and I recommend that you watch it. Other than that, this song just has a happy vibe to it that I can appreciate. Link to song:

8: Bill Watterson

This song is on the album View Monster. It’s quite an interesting song, if you ask me. It almost sounds even frightening, in a way. I remember my jaw-dropping when I first heard this song for the first time. It’s pretty much about the narrator of the song having a crazy obsession with Bill Watterson, and it gets to the point where he starts acting like a crazy stalker. Not to mention, this song is also very catchy and it gets stuck inside of my head very easily. Link to song:

7: No Eyed Girl

This song is on the album Spirit Phone. I personally enjoy this song. While it isn’t my favorite song on Spirit Phone, I still really like it. There are just so many good songs on that album that it’s really hard to pick a favorite. This song is about the narrator expressing his love to a girl with no eyes. When I was doing research on this song a few weeks ago, I learned that this is a parody of love songs that mention eyes. (Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison, for example) Overall, I think this is a really cute song and I enjoy listening to it. Link to song:

6: Soft Fuzzy Man

This song is also on the album Spirit Phone. It’s kind of short in comparison to some of the other songs on the album. I still like it, though. Whenever I listen to this song, I vision a guy that looks sort of like a werewolf trying to make a girl fall in love with him. Obviously, though, his attempts are not very good. Either way, I still love this song and I think it sounds happy and upbeat. Link to song:

5: Toy Food

I can’t really figure out which album this song is on. If you know any information, please let me know in the comments. Anyways, I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion but I absolutely love this song. Sure, you could say that it’s stupid but I still love it anyways. Neil pretty much talks about toy food and how it isn’t edible. He even strictly tells you in the song “Like real food, but is toy. Toy food! Not real food, DO NOT EAT!” Also, I think this song sounds very energetic, which I really like. Link to song:

4: Lifetime Achievement Award

This song is on the album Spirit Phone. It is a six minute long song about what sounds like a mad scientist trying to make dead celebrities, in particular, musicians, come back to life. He puts in references to Michael Jackson and the infamous 27 club. (Michael Jackson was a popular musician known for his song Thriller and the 27 club contained celebrities who died at the age of 27, including Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, and Janis Joplin, to name a few) This song reminds me of the musical genre of new wave. I really like the sound of it and overall, I really like this Lemon Demon song. Link to song:

3: The Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny 

This song is on the album Dinosaurchestra. In just a time span of around three minutes, Neil manages to somehow put tons of references to different fandoms, movies, and celebrities. How does he manage to do this? He makes them all fight each other, of course! Real quick, this is a spoiler. After the end of the long battle/showdown, one person won. That person was Mr. Rogers. I’m not kidding. If you don’t believe me, go listen to the song. In general, though, I find this song to be very funny and I love all of the pop culture references included. Link to song:

2: Touch Tone Telephone

This song is on the album Spirit Phone. In my opinion, I think this song is about a crazy conspiracy theorist guy trying to convince a radio show host to believe his wild theories. It sounds like the crazy conspiracy theorist really wants the radio show host to believe him. He just sounds so desperate. It’s funny because originally, this song was going to be based off of the movie Jack Frost, made popular by MST3K,(Mystery Science Theater 3000) Who made fun of the movie in one of their episodes. It’s crazy how this songs meaning evolved from a bad movie to a song about a conspiracy theorist. In general, I really like this song and it was one of the first Lemon Demon songs I had ever listened to. Link to song:

1: Cabinet Man

This song is on the album Spirit Phone. It’s about a guy who lives in an arcade cabinet. The arcade cabinet kills people. That sounds like a really good idea for a horror movie. Getting back on topic, the arcade cabinet talks briefly about how they might replace him with a tiny little box that can fit in your hand. I’m just assuming that he’s talking about Nintendo’s GameBoy. This was really the first Lemon Demon song I had ever heard, which is probably why it holds such a special place in my heart. Along with an interesting story told in the song, I think that’s why this song deserves the number one spot on my list. Link to song:

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading my list. Let me know what your favorite Lemon Demon song is in the comments. See you guys next time! Goodbye!
