Welcome To The Unofficial Lemon Demon Fan Page!

 Hello! Welcome to my fan page dedicated to the band, Lemon Demon! In case you aren’t aware, Lemon Demon is a band created by Neil Cicierega, who is well known on YouTube for his funny comedy skits. In  2003, Neil created Lemon Demon, a comedy music band. Over the years, the band has gained more popularity. Some of Lemon Demon’s most popular songs include, Cabinet Man, Touch Tone Telephone, and The Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny. 

I remember when I first listened to Lemon Demon. They had been recommended to me a lot and one day, I decided to listen to them. I did some research and I learned that Lemon Demon’s most popular album is called Spirit Phone. I decided to listen to it and I was pleasantly surprised. For the next couple of days after that, I found myself addicted to listening to the album. That began my interest and my love for Lemon Demon. 

I personally think the reason why I love Lemon Demon so much is because of all of the pop culture references in the songs. I also enjoy comedy music like Frank Zappa, They Might Be Giants, and Weird Al, but I think Lemon Demon just happens to be my favorite comedy musical artist out there. Not only are his songs very comedic, but they also talk about social issues in society in a very funny way. Even though the messages and the opinions of Neil can sometimes be hard to find, multiple of his songs do highlight the issues of society but most of his songs just talk about random things that have hardly anything to do with society and I think that’s the reason why I enjoy listening to Lemon Demon so much. 

Check out my favorite Lemon Demon album, Spirit Phone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LeSFBy2bZU

Check out the Lemon Demon wiki for in-depth information on your favorite Lemon Demon albums: https://lemondemon.fandom.com/wiki/Lemon_Demon_Wiki

Feel free to stick around on my fan page to hear Lemon Demon album reviews, fun facts about Neil and the band, see my own original fan art, Lemon Demon related memes, and so much more. I’ll try to be active on this website to the best of my abilities. I hope you guys are excited for more posts! See you guys next time! 
